Valentine's Day Neuter Your Ex 2025

  • Date: 2/3/2025 - 2/14/2025
    Time: All Day
    Location: 5452 NE 22nd St
    Des Moines, IA 50313
Events Team (


Looking for the Purr-fect Valentine's Day Gift for your Ex?

Neuter Your Ex!

Have an ex that shouldn't reproduce? Feeling vengeful this Valentine's Day? For just a $15 donation, we will name a feral cat after your ex, then spay or neuter them and release them through our trap-neuter-return (TNR) program to stop the breeding cycle. Give your ex a proper sendoff, heal your heart, and help control the community cat population at the same time. 

Your donation helps provide funding for our TNR program and other spay/neuter programs. TNR works to end reproduction in community cat colonies, stabilizing populations, and improving cats' lives.

Hate this idea and think we're being petty? You can sponsor a pet, too!

Ex's Name: 

Single Name: $15

5 Names: $50

10 Names: $100


What is TNR?

TNR or trap-neuter-return, alters, vaccinates, ear-tips, and returns healthy community cats to the areas where they've already been living and thriving - therefore preventing more generations or other species from moving in.

Learn more about our TNR program here!