Behavior Help

The ARL offers animal behavior counseling for pet parents that need guidance or help with their pet's behavior.

The Animal Rescue League of Iowa has witnessed too many animals abandoned by their families simply because of a lack of education. Together with our training and counseling programs we can help to reduce shelter populations by educating people how to encourage and reward good pet behavior.

Cat Behavior Help

Online Resources & How-To's

Common cat behavior questions can be answered in our online Cat Behavior Resource Library

Cat Behavior Helpline & Phone Consultation

  • Call our Free Cat Behavior Helpline at (515) 262-9503. Enter extension 312 when the recorded greeting begins.
  • Leave a voicemail that includes: Your name, phone number, and the problem you are experiencing.
  • One of our cat behavior specialists will return your call and give you great advice to modify your cat's problem behavior.

Dog Behavior Help

Online Resources & How-To's

  1. Common dog behavior questions can be answered in our online Dog Behavior Resource Library
  2. ARL's Behavior Specialists have also published a book, For Love of Dogs, which includes countless behavior tips and topics for pet owners.

Group & Individual Training Classes

  • The ARL offers a variety of group and private dog training classes, with discounts offered for ARL adopters and Veterans.

Dog Behavior Helpline & Phone Consultation

  • Call our Free Dog Behavior Helpline at (515) 262-9503. Enter extension 310 when the recorded greeting begins.
  • Leave a voicemail that includes: Your name, phone number, and the problem you are experiencing.
  • One of our dog behavior specialists will return your call and give you great advice to modify your dog's problem behavior.

Phone Consultation Rates:

  • Separation anxiety can be referred to a behaviorist or the resource library.
  • For fear, reactivity, or aggression: Free 20 minute phone assessment to help direct you to the next step.
  • All other issues: 30 minutes for $25, or 60 minutes for $45

In-Person Consultation at ARL Main

  • If your issue cannot be addressed over the phone, the ARL can refer you to local qualified trainers in the area who can work with you on behavior modification in or around the home. This is temporary due to staffing and availability.
  • We do not offer in-home consultations for dogs at this time

Recommended referral trainers:

Rabbit, Horse, or Other Species Help

The ARL also can help when problems arise with rabbits and other species. 

See Resources for your Species

If you need assistance with a behavior issue involving rabbits or other species, please call the ARL at (515) 262-9503. Enter extension 314 and you will be referred to a counselor who can help.