The Animal Rescue League of Iowa (ARL) is a key participant in emergency preparedness and response within the city of Des Moines and Polk County, and throughout Central Iowa. The ARL is prepared to provide immediate, expert support to area communities, their citizens, and their pets when the situation escalates to the point that it is beyond the capabilities of the local resources; whether due to large scale criminal investigations, or other emergencies including man-made events like apartment fires or natural disasters including tornadoes and flooding.
The ARL has a core team of trained disaster responders who are ready to come to the aid of animals around the state, whether assisting in the field with rescue operations, helping with emergency sheltering, or providing support at the ARL shelter so that key staff members with special expertise can assist with an emergency.
Through generous grants and donations, the ARL has been able to stock a supply building full of the items necessary to provide assistance over a wide spectrum of emergencies.
Rescuing animals in the field, transporting animals to a safe haven, providing temporary emergency housing, and either returning animals to their original homes or finding new homes for them, are some of the activities that are supported through these efforts. With the recent addition of an enclosed cargo trailer, the ARL is able to provide emergency response to any place in the state, should the need arise. The ARL also recently received a grant for a boat to enable us to perform water rescues.
Equipped to effectively respond to all types of statewide emergencies, the ARL is looked to by local and state authorities as a valued resource when animals are impacted. When animals are in need, the ARL stands ready to help.