
View reporting for the Animal Rescue League of Iowa organization here.

ARL Animal Services, Year to Date Numbers


Intakes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Stray/Impound 1372 1534 40 25 2971
Owner Surrender 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1372 1534 40 25 2971

Outcomes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Adoptions 501 744 16 13 1274
Transfers Out 10 28 1 0 39
Return to Owner 757 80 2 3 842
Return to Habitat (TNR) 0 317 0 0 317
Euthanized2 72 202 8 3 285
Died in Care 3 16 2 0 21
Total 1343 1387 29 19 2778


 January - December 2023 Numbers for ARL Animal Services

Intakes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Stray/Impound 2824 3855 69 84 6832
Owner Surrender 2273 2728 544 85 5630
Transfers In 109 176 10 17 312
Other 44 85 43 0 172
Total 5250 6844 666 186 12946

Outcomes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Adoptions 3038 4904 565 1376 8689
Transfers Out 170 110 59 0 339
Return to Owner 1444 234 10 9 1697
Return to Habitat (TNR) 0 631 0 0 631
Euthanized2 470 775 19 4 1268
Died in Care 17 112 23 2 154
Total 1974 2212 49 24 4259


January - December 2022 Numbers for ARL Animal Services

Intakes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Stray/Impound 1954 2420 89 51 4514
Owner Surrender 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1954 2420 89 51 4514

Outcomes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Adoptions 749 1471 57 36 2313
Transfers Out 30 39 15 1 85
Return to Owner 1037 128 3 4 1172
Return to Habitat (TNR) 0 492 0 0 492
Euthanized2 111 261 6 7 385
Died in Care 10 52 9 0 71
Total 1937 2443 90 48 4518

January-December 2021 Numbers for ARL Animal Services

Intakes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Stray/Impound 1688 2476 84 52 4300
Owner Surrender 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1688 2476 84 52 4300

Outcomes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Adoptions 557 1392 65 41 2055
Transfers Out 22 141 1 0 164
Return to Owner 964 151 2 2 1119
Return to Habitat 0 432 1 0 433
Euthanized2 98 222 7 6 333
Died in Care 3 37 3 0 43
Total 1644 2375 79 49 4147
  1. Does not include wildlife; we partner with several wildlife rehabilitation organizations to care for wild animals brought to us.
  2. Does not include owner-requested euthanasia.
  3. The number of intakes will not necessarily equal the number of outcomes over the course of a reporting period. The difference represents a net increase or decrease in the number of animals in our care at the beginning of the period and at the end.

The ARL looks at every animal as an individual and not a number and determines a treatment or rehabilitation plan. We only euthanize animals that are dangerous or suffering, and only after we have exhausted all other humane and responsible options. We do not euthanize for space and there are no time limits on the animals in our care.