ARL Animal Connection

Podcasts 2017

Sept. 23, 2017

Carol is excited about her new chicken, listen to Mick talk about his upcoming trip to Beirut to train United Nations bomb detection dogs and their handlers, get tips about traveling with pets, trivia about The Jetsons dog, and hear Mick's response to a caller's question about why her dog will go down the stairs but not up the stairs.

Sept. 30, 2017

Mick and Carol from the Animal Rescue League get excited for October as they discuss wandering pets, microchipping and...spiders?

Oct. 7, 2017

Find out why your pet might choose to sleep next to a certain person in your family, or maybe ask another family member for food. Mick answers questions about why puppies chew on fingers and shares the "ouch technique" and why dogs dig holes after chasing a squirrel. Carol explains why pet introductions are so important when bringing a new pet into the family, especially cats.

Oct. 14, 2017

This week we say farewell to Mick as he leaves for his trip to Beirut to help train bomb dogs and their handlers. We also welcome guest Dr. Gigler from Ankeny Animal and Avian Clinic to answer medical animal questions. Callers ask about how to redirect cats who like to share pillows, why dogs drag their rear ends, and why cats pee on laundry. Finally, Carol discovers one of her hens is actually a rooster - it happens!

Oct. 21, 2017

While Mick is away in Beruit, working with explosive detection dogs on behalf of the United Nations, Carol is joined by guest host, 'Dan the Chicken Man'. Dan answers the popular question, "Do you have to have a rooster for hens to lay eggs?" And shares many more important facts you should know if you are looking to own chickens! ARL Volunteer, Mary, calls in to talk about her role with our "Meet Your Cat Match" program on our website. They also cover what it's like to be a volunteer for ARL and why it's oh so important.

Oct. 28, 2017

Carol and guest host, and long time volunteer, Mary celebrate Halloween weekend. In true Halloween fashion, they discuss cats and rats (spooky!). Callers ask about solutions to cat obesity, keeping them off your counters, and more! Executive Director of the Animal Rescue League calls in to talk about pet rats, including life span, cleanliness and reproduction. They also emphasize the importance and versatility of volunteering to help animals at the ARL.

Nov. 4, 2017

Mick has returned! He and Carol discuss and answer questions about his trip to Beruit. Training TERRIERS to protect? Hear about his experience training security dogs for the United Nations. Some of the things you can use when working with and understanding your own dog!

Nov. 11, 2017

Mick and Carol answer how to get playful kittens to stop biting, how to potty train a puppy on a busy schedule, how to stop a cat from climbing your Christmas tree and more. They also remind listeners with pets who have training issues to utilize resources at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa!

Nov. 18, 2017

Mick shares updates on his current foster dogs. He and Carol also discuss how to keep your pets SAFE during the holidays. Also, top ten reasons cats stop using their litter box.

Nov. 25, 2017

Carol and Mick discuss all of the events coming up at the ARL and adoption promotions! They also talk about dog socialization problems and how to properly introduce your dog to new animals.

Dec. 2, 2017

To kick off the winter months, Mick and Carol answer the question, "What temperatures are O.K. to leave your dog outside in the winter?" They also give advice to a caller about bird care.

Dec. 9, 2017

Mick and Carol discuss the importance of being a hero for animals everywhere, how you can help! They also cover how to handle mid-night chatty cats and puppy training.

Dec. 16, 2017

Tis the season of giving! Pet owners everywhere are estimated to spend over $60 Million on their animals over the year. Learn more about how to spoil your fur babies, how to train alpha male cats, and more.

Dec. 23, 2017

The cold weather can be a problem for those trying to potty train their pets. Learn how to work through it despite the frigid temps! Mick and Carol also cover adoptathons and chicken coop updates.