30 dogs rescued from unlicensed breeder

posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 in News

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Our kennels are full, but the calls keep coming in.

This time it was to rescue 30 dogs from an unlicensed breeder. We needed to get these dogs out.

We figured out a plan. Our team got on the road, and we brought the dogs safely to the shelter.


Some needed medical procedures. Some were extremely afraid. But all had a second chance.

We were able to answer the call … this time.

But the calls keep coming. There are so many animals in need. And we can only help as much as our resources and space allow. We are dangerously close to being unable to help when the next call arrives. 

That next call could come any day. Will you help us continue to be there for pets in crisis?


With so many animals in the shelter right now and dozens a day coming in, we need your support now more than ever. Whether you give a one-time gift or choose to give monthly, you’ll be giving hope to animals who have nowhere else to turn – like these 30 dogs, and so many others.

Please give now, so we can be prepared to help the next pet in need … and the ones after that. We never know when the next call will arrive.

Donate to Help

P.S.: When you give today or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive updates on these dogs.