on Thursday, April 22, 2021
The suffering Simon has endured is unimaginable. He arrived with a serious gash under his shoulder, a large, painful wound that gapes when he moves.
And his injury is not recent.
He has been living in pain for weeks on his own without any medical care.
As soon as Simon arrived, our Emergency Care Team rushed to help him, carefully cleaning his wound and administering pain medication and antibiotics. We don’t know what happened to this poor cat, but he arrived at the Animal Rescue League just in time.
Now he needs your help.
Simon needs surgery to remove his damaged tissue, control infection and allow him to finally heal. We don’t yet know how extensive the damage is or how long his healing process will be.
Your gift today to our Miracle Medical Fund will help Simon get the surgery he needs, and your monthly gift will ensure he gets the care he needs now and for as long as it takes for him to heal.
We’re committed to doing everything we can to help Simon and give him the second chance he deserves.
Donate to Help
Your gift matters now more than ever. Please help today, for Simon and for all pets who come to us alone, suffering and in need of a miracle.
P.S.: When you donate today to help Simon or enroll in our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive exclusive updates on Simon’s progress.