on Wednesday, January 30, 2019
(UPDATE 1/30/19, 12 P.M.) It has now been made public that Twenty-two-year-old Rebecca Woods of Mingo, along the Polk and Jasper county line, has been charged with two counts of animal neglect, a simple misdemeanor, in the case.
In the middle of this bitter cold snap, we’re relieved to say that two dogs left outside in the freezing snow and brutal winds are now safe and warm at the ARL.
Unfortunately, many more still need your help.

Chloe and Sophie were rescued, and not a minute too soon. They were chained in below-zero temps with no access to food, water or adequate shelter. And they were in rough shape. The only “water” within reach was frozen in buckets and covered with snow. Their only “shelter” was a thin homemade dog house and a plastic crate with snow inside and holes that did nothing to stop the bitter wind.
When help arrived, one of the dogs was huddled at the base of a tree trying to stay warm.
No animal deserves to suffer like this.

Even more heartbreaking, Sophie and Chloe could see the inside of the house where other dogs were warm and being cared for. Thankfully Sophie and Chloe are now at the ARL and out of danger, resting comfortably, with food, water, shelter and warmth. Charges are pending against their owner.
They are the lucky ones.

Sadly, Sophie and Chloe are not the only pets who desperately need your help this winter. More calls for help are coming in, and your support will allow us to always be ready to help the next pet in need. Help bring them inside.
Please donate today. Your donation, quite simply, will save lives.