on Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Behind the eyes of many of the adorable puppies selling for thousands of dollars hides the horrors of the dogs they leave behind at some of Iowa’s worst puppy mills. These breeders, many operating illegally without licenses, care more about profits than the dogs.
Over the weekend we received an urgent call from the Boone County Humane Society and the Boone County Sheriff's Office to help rescue nearly 100 dogs from a commercial breeder – if we didn’t help, the dogs would have to stay behind – so our Mobile Rescue Team immediately hit the road for the hour drive to the property.

When we arrived the smell hit us before we even entered the buildings. The dogs were living in their own feces and urine, including some pregnant mamas and newborn puppies. Many of the dogs were matted and some incredibly thin. One by one we carried them to clean crates so they could begin the journey toward their new lives.
Meanwhile, back at the ARL it was all hands on deck. Our kennels were already full, but these dogs couldn’t wait, so our team rushed to set up temporary housing to prepare for this unexpected influx of dogs. Our medical team also quickly came together and gathered the large number of supplies needed to provide care for each and every dog and puppy. When the dogs arrived, our teams worked into the evening to make sure they were all cared for and comfortable.

While these dogs are now safe, in some ways their journey is just beginning. Your gift today will help provide the care these dogs need until they’re ready to find the loving homes they’ve always deserved. You’ll also be supporting the hundreds of dogs – and cats, rabbits, horses and other animals – that were already in our care before this urgent call for help. With so many animals in need, we simply can’t do this without you.

Whether you choose to give a one-time gift or give monthly, you’ll show these dogs and puppies that you’re here for them today and every day … and give them hope for better days ahead.
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P.S.: When you give today or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive updates on these dogs.