Senior dog found grieving and in pain

posted on Friday, November 20, 2020 in News

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15-year-old Millie arrived at the Animal Rescue League, grieving and in need of medical care. Her owner had just passed away and she had been alone inside the home for some time, waiting for help to arrive. As our medical team gently checked her over, her head drooped and her eyes stared blankly ahead.

She was overwhelmed with sadness.


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We found that Millie’s teeth were causing her a great deal of pain and she’d need to have nearly all of them pulled. Her eyes were cloudy, indicating she may have limited vision. She needed treatment for fleas, grooming to remove old mats, and additional medical tests to determine if she had any other special needs.

While some organizations are unable to help animals like this because of their age or medical needs, we welcomed Millie with open arms.

Senior pets like Millie often need extra medical care — and extra love — to get them ready for adoption and ensure they find a loving home. Your donation today will give Millie and other pets like her all the loving care and time they need to heal and begin a new life.


November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month, a perfect time to give a gift of love to senior pets in need. Whether you give a one-time gift or choose to join our Loyal Friends Club and donate monthly, your compassion will be life-changing. Give today to show these sweet seniors the best moments of their life are still to come.

P.S., When you donate today to help Millie or enroll in our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you'll be automatically enrolled to receive exclusive updates on her progress.