on Friday, January 31, 2020

Dawn was alone in the cold, severely burned and crying in pain when a Des Moines Police Officer heard her and rushed her to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa.
She was still crying loudly when our Emergency Care Team met her and was covered in soot. It was clear that she needed critical care. Her paws, legs and face were burned and raw. She was congested and her breathing was labored. She could barely open one eye and could not open the other. The tips of her ears and all of her whiskers were burned off. All of her fur was singed.

Whatever happened to her, she was lucky to make it out alive.

We started her on pain medication and antibiotics and gave her subcutaneous fluids for severe dehydration. When we offered food, she ate like she hadn’t eaten in days. We carefully cleaned her wounds and treated her burns, wrapped her injured legs and made her as comfortable as possible in a bed of blankets.
Dawn needs your help now.

We are committed to doing everything we can for this little girl, but we can’t do it alone.
Your gift to our Miracle Medical Fund will give Dawn, and other pets who come to us injured and suffering, the critical care they need and deserve.
Dawn remains under the close watch of our medical team, and while we’re seeing some hopeful signs — she has started purring and gently asking to be petted — she still has a long road ahead of her.
Please give today to ensure that Dawn and others will receive the chance they deserve when they have nowhere else to turn.
P.S. If you have any information related to Dawn and her injuries, please email