on Thursday, August 3, 2023

It happened again. Just as we were working to take in a large number of dogs from a case in southwest Iowa, another desperate call for help came in – this time on the other side of the state … and it was urgent.
The dogs were being held in cages indoors where it was even hotter than the sweltering temperatures outside … and temps were climbing. The dogs were living in their own filth, with no fresh air or air conditioning, and our rescue team was overtaken by the smell before they even stepped inside. Inspection reports shined an even more devastating light on the situation – multiple dogs had been injured, some dogs had died, and now 39 more were at risk.

We are already desperately full with hundreds of dogs at our shelter, but the calls for help keep coming. The dangerously hot weather meant we couldn’t wait until we had the space to bring these dogs back to our shelter, so we worked with our partners last week to build a temporary housing facility where the dogs could be clean, cool, and safely cared for until we could start them on their journey toward a new life.
Now they need YOUR help! Some of the dogs have already found placement in the past few days since we rescued them, but the remaining dogs couldn’t wait any longer in their temporary housing. They just arrived at our shelter a couple hours ago, and we need to make space fast. We won’t be able to do this without you.

Your gift today will help us find homes for these dogs and the hundreds of other pets who are waiting for their second chance. Your monthly gift will ensure when there is an animal in need, the ARL will be there, without hesitation. These dogs deserved so much better than the life they have known up to this point, but with your help, the best is yet to come.
Donate to Help
P.S.: When you give today or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive updates on these dogs.