They were covered in hundreds of ticks

posted on Thursday, June 15, 2023 in News


It was nearly closing time when we received the urgent call. The good Samaritans had called multiple other shelters in their area and no one would help take in the 6 puppies they had found that were covered in ticks.

Every shelter across the country is full right now – and the Animal Rescue League is no different – but, we couldn’t say no.  These puppies needed help, and fast!


Our Miracle Medical Team stayed after closing and were ready and waiting for the puppies when they arrived. We knew it would be bad from how they were described, but their conditions were far worse than we’d even imagined. Their tiny bodies were covered in hundreds of ticks, but the insides of their ears were the worst - packed with ticks, all the way down into their ear canals – it was horrific. They were all very skinny, too, which made their condition even more dire.

It was already late, but we couldn’t leave them like this overnight. Staff from all departments joined in to help. One by one, our team carefully began removing ticks for what would have taken one person half a day!


Through it all, the puppies were so sweet and so patient. They seemed to know we were trying to help. All were preventatively placed on antibiotics to combat any potential tick-borne illnesses and with close monitoring started gaining weight and returning to health!

It’s only with your support that we are able to care for vulnerable animals like these puppies. Without you, we would have had to say no.

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Your gift today will help provide lifesaving care to 10,000+ pets this year. Your monthly gift will support them now and help us continue to be there for pets in urgent need, no matter how or when they arrive.

Your support today will change the world for pups like these and so many others.

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P.S.: When you donate now or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll automatically be enrolled to receive updates on these puppies.