on Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Murphy was soaking wet, his fur completely matted and pulling at his skin when an ARL Animal Services officer responded to an urgent call to help a dog found lying on the side of the road.
We could tell Murphy was a very old dog and had been suffering for a very long time. We didn’t know how he got there, and it didn’t appear that he was hit by a car, but we could tell he needed help – and fast.

Back at the shelter, our medical team performed an emergency grooming to remove the heavy, matted fur and help ease his pain. As the matted chunks fell away, we were shocked to see how thin he actually was. His ribs, spine and hip bones were clearly visible under his skin. His nails were so overgrown they curled sideways through the matted fur on his paws.
An even closer examination showed he had no teeth, and he had holes between his mouth and nasal cavities most commonly caused by severe dental disease. The more we uncovered the worse it was.
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After shaving his painful mats and trimming his nails, we gave Murphy a warm bath and a much-needed meal. He is now safe and comfortable under the care of our medical team as we prepare him for his next journey.
We usually reach out asking you to help a pet fully recover so they can have a long life ahead, but with Murphy’s age and his medical and care needs, we will be placing him in our hospice foster program, which offers pets who still have quality of life the opportunity to live out their remaining days in a home with dignity, comfort and love.
Your donation today – or monthly – will help Murphy heal and help provide the gift of loving hospice care that he and other pets like him deserve.
Donate to Help

We don’t know how much longer Murphy will be with us – it could be a month, a year, or longer – but we need your help to give him the best life possible for as many days as he has left.
Please give to our hospice program now to help Murphy and other senior pets like him who still have – and deserve – so much love.
To them, your compassionate gift is life-changing.
P.S.: When you give now or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive updates on Murphy.