June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month

posted on Thursday, June 1, 2017 in Pet PSA

ARL KittensJune is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month, and the timing to celebrate cat adoptions couldn’t be more perfect since kitten season is in full swing. Cats and kittens of all ages need your help now more than ever, and here’s how you can help:

  • Adopt. Yes, this is the obvious idea, but before you commit to furry parenthood, make sure you have the time, space, and budget to properly care for a cat. If you do decide to adopt, remember that senior cats need homes too!

  • Foster. Maybe you can’t commit to adoption at this time, but perhaps you can foster. Fostering gives a cat a break from shelter life and often reveals an entire new kitty personality!

  • Have a fundraiser. If you can’t adopt, set up a fundraiser to raise money for a local shelter. Have a bake sale, run a car wash, or even set up a lemonade stand with your children. Have fun with it!

  • Donate. Shelters go through lots of kitty litter, cat food, kitten food, treats, toys, beds, and towels all year long, but these items vanish even more quickly during kitten season. Donating even a few of these items to a local shelter will help out a bunch!

Spread the word. Almost everyone has at least one social media account nowadays. Use it (or them) to educate your friends and family about Adopt-A-Shelter Month. The more people who know, the more likely homeless cats and kittens will be adopted!