on Sunday, September 1, 2019
September is National Preparedness Month, and we at the ARL want to make sure that you and your family -- both two-legged and four-legged -- are safe when disaster strikes. Below are a few ways to be prepared if you need to make a quick exit to safety.
Prepare Bags
Prepare a bag for each member of your family and for your pets, be sure to include the following:
For Humans:
- Clothing for a few days
- Medications & insurance information
- Phone, phone charger
- Non-perishable food for a few days
- First Aid Kit
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Moist towelettes
For Pets:
- Leash/collar
- Pet carrier
- Copy of medical records
- Microchip information
- Pet food, bottled water
- Collapsable water/food bowls
- Blanket
Smart 911
Did you know that over 70% of all 911 calls are made from a mobile device? Did you know that when you call from a mobile device, the dispatcher only knows your phone number and a general idea of your location? When seconds count, you and your family should be confident that vital information is at the fingertips of those coming to help, no matter what device you call from.
Vital information includes:
- Names, physical descriptions, and photos of all family members
- Names, physical descriptions, and photos of all pets, livestock, and service animals
- Phone numbers and addresses
- Medical information of all family members and pets
- Vehicle information, including make, model, color, and license plate number
- Emergency contacts
- Communication preferences (English is not the primary language, etc.)
When you register for Smart 911, you can add all the above information, and any other information you find important, to your profile. The more thorough your profile is, the more EMS, firefighters, police officers, and first responders will be able to help during times of crisis.

Signing up for Smart 911 is quick, easy, and FREE. In a matter of minutes, you and your family will join the 32+ million people who trust their family’s safety to Smart 911.