Miracle Medical Fund
Every animal deserves a life saving miracle, with your help you can be that miracle for them. If you give to the Miracle Medical Fund, it will help us provide the critical medical care animals need right now.

See how Miracle Medical Fund saved these animals lives:
Blueberry was hungry and in pain
When Blueberry arrived at the Animal Rescue League, her body was hot to the touch and covered with scabs and sores, her fur was thin and patchy, her eyes were red and infected, and her feet were oversized from swelling. Our Emergency Care Team evaluated Blueberry immediately. We wrapped her up in a towel, carried her to our grooming room and gave her what was probably the first bath of her life. Live fleas, dead skin and scabs fell off in our hands as we gently rinsed away months of grime. Medicated shampoo cooled her burning skin. Read more about her story.
Gracie arrived with injuries of unknown origins
When Gracie was brought to the Animal Rescue League, she was just 6 pounds, she was very quiet and in severe pain. She had abrasions on her stomach and an obviously broken leg. She weakly tried to stand but her injuries were too severe. She was given pain medications immediately, and X-rays taken by our Emergency Care Team revealed even more serious injuries — she was not only suffering from a broken leg, but a broken pelvis, too. She needed surgery to save her life. Read more about her story.
Watching Lucille walk was heartbreaking
Her eyes were full of sadness and worry when she arrived at the Animal Rescue League. Lucille was found alone near a busy intersection, infested with fleas and shivering. Her back legs wobbled and shifted back and forth at the knees. She hunched over a little to steady herself but she could not walk normal. X-rays showed that both of her kneecaps were severely displaced. Lucille’s condition was so severe that she needed double knee surgery in order to give her permanent relief and help her walk normally again. Read more about her story.