on Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Each year as the temperatures begin to increase, so do the number of calls the Animal Rescue League of Iowa gets to help rescue cats who have been living in crowded conditions. And the calls – and cats – have already started arriving. We recently received 20 cats and kittens who had been living in horrible conditions, many of whom arrived in need of extensive medical care.

Several cats are underweight and struggling with upper respiratory infections, while others had teeth so rotten they are on the verge of falling out.
But it is the kittens we're really worried about.

The smallest ones arrived thin and dehydrated with terrible eye infections and upper respiratory infections. Some have eyes so swollen they can’t see out of them. We immediately gave them subcutaneous fluids for dehydration, antibiotics, and medications to soothe their painful eyes. The slightly older kittens are not much better. They’re also fighting severe eye and upper respiratory infections and one little girl in particular is dangerously thin. All are under the care of our medical team.

With all these sick kittens and cats arriving in such a short time, on top of the dozens of pets we already take in every day, we need your help.
Most of these kittens and cats will be in our care for weeks recovering from their illnesses. Your donation to our Miracle Medical Fund will help us provide urgent medical care for them and others like them who arrive sick and in need. Your monthly gift will help these kittens and cats now and so many others who will arrive in the coming weeks and months in need of a miracle.
These kittens and cats have already been through so much. They deserve the chance to be healthy and happy, and we're committed to helping them, but we can't do it alone. Please give a gift of love today ... you will change their lives.
P.S., When you donate today to help these sweet cats and kittens, or enroll in our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you'll be automatically enrolled to receive exclusive updates on their progress.