on Wednesday, April 24, 2019
26 cats and kittens who had been living crammed in a one-bedroom apartment in Des Moines are now safe at the ARL. All of the cats are reeking of urine and some are in dire need of medical care. When ARL Animal Control officers arrived at the apartment, we found cats and kittens everywhere.
Worse yet, the owner had thrown some of the cats out a window before we arrived.

Luckily we got there just in time to save the six cats, including some young kittens and fully declawed cats that were thrown outside. The cats, mostly kittens, were captured one-by-one and immediately brought to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa where the ARL’s Emergency Care Team sprang into action.
More than half of the cats rescued are kittens under 5 months old, including two litters of week-old kittens that are still with their mothers. Many are suffering from horrible upper respiratory infections, flea infestations, eye infections and severe ear mites.

One poor cat’s eye had been left untreated for so long it had ruptured. He is still fighting a painful infection in that eye and will need to have it surgically removed once he is well enough.
Some of the cats’ teeth are in such poor condition, they will need major dental surgeries.
They did not deserve this. No animal deserves this. Give today to give them hope.

Your donation to the ARL’s Miracle Medical Fund will save these cats from the pain and suffering they have endured and prepare them for the homes they have always deserved.
When you make a donation today you’ll also provide spay/neuter surgeries for all 26 cats to help end the cycle of overpopulation.