on Tuesday, November 7, 2023

When the ARL got the urgent call from the Dallas County Sheriff’s office to assist with the removal of 46 horses – many injured and thin, with little to no food and water – our rescue team quickly prepared for our largest horse rescue operation in years.
When we arrived at the property, it was worse than we had imagined. We saw horses with open wounds. Ribs and hipbones were visible on many, and some were emaciated. The horses were so hungry, they pushed against the edges of the makeshift fencing, trying to reach anything edible. We saw one who was so hungry he had resorted to eating sharp thistles.

Temps were freezing cold, and in a barn occupied mostly by very young horses and mamas, all of the water troughs were frozen. The young horses pawed at the ice over and over with their small hooves, trying in vain to break it.
These horses needed help, and we didn’t have any time to lose. For the next 13 hours our team worked to move each and every horse onto our trailers and get them to safety at our Second Chance Ranch – making trip after trip, back and forth, until every last horse was rescued.
Two of the horses with the most severe conditions – one with a gaping, infected neck wound and another suffering from severe emaciation – were taken to an equine veterinarian for immediate care. The emaciated horse in particular is lucky to be alive.
These horses did not deserve this – no animal does.

These horses are now safe at our Second Chance Ranch. They finally have clean enclosures, food and water, and they are finally receiving much-needed medical care under the supervision of equine veterinarians.
But 46 horses – especially ones in this condition – are a lot to take on. It’s only because of you that we are able to continue to answer these calls for help and provide the care that suffering animals so desperately need.
Your gift today – whether one-time or monthly – will help ensure we can always be there for animals in crisis. Plus, this month your donation will make twice the impact, thanks to a generous matching gift opportunity in memory of Michael and Greta Hayward and their love of animals. Your gift will be doubled, so you’ll make 2X the difference!
P.S.: The investigation is ongoing and the ARL is continuing to assist authorities in this case. When you give today or join our Loyal Friends Club monthly giving program, you’ll automatically be enrolled to receive updates on these horses.