ARL Removes 7 Abandoned Animals in Monroe County

posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 in News

SteerOn Monday, January 21, the Animal Rescue League of Iowa (ARL) Mobile Response Team assisted Monroe County officials in rescuing several animals from a property in rural Monroe County near Albia, IA. Three horses, one burro, one steer, and two dogs were all outside in the elements without any food, water, or adequate shelter. One deceased steer was found on the property.

BurroThe ARL team quickly corralled and loaded the large animals into ARL rescue trailers and the dogs were happy to sit up front in the warm truck cabs with their rescuers. All seven animals are now at the ARL’s main facility. The large animals are being cared for at the ARL’s Second Chance Ranch and will continue with veterinary evaluation and treatment to determine their care plans. The dogs are being monitored by ARL staff veterinarians.

HorseAt least two of the horses range from underweight to very underweight. The steer’s hind side and hooves are causing him significant pain. The ARL will be transporting him to Iowa State University for x-rays, hoof care, and a treatment plan. The burro’s halter had been on for so long it rubbed the hair away and was so rusted that it had to be cut off.

Steer Hooves“The ARL has a trained Mobile Response Team as well as rescue vehicles and equipment needed to assist law enforcement from all over the state with animal cruelty and neglect cases. Animals should never have to stay in a bad situation just because law enforcement does not have the resources to care for the animals during the investigation and trial. This is why the ARL not only assists with on-site rescues in all 99 counties, we also train law enforcement on how to handle animal-related investigations,” said Tom Colvin, CEO for the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. “With the extreme wind chills nearing -20 degrees recently, it’s miserable for healthy animals, but when you add malnourished and underweight animals to these elements, it can be deadly. We are grateful the Monroe County officials took action to get these animals to safety before it was too late.”

The investigation is ongoing and charges are pending for the owner of these animals.
