on Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Animal Rescue League of Iowa (ARL) Mobile Rescue Teams worked for hours into the evening last night to rescue 74 cats and kittens (and counting) from a basement in Des Moines.
ARL rescuers arrived at a gruesome scene: there were cats everywhere, including inside the walls. The floors were covered with bloody diarrhea from cats who were critically ill. It was clear that a lot of suffering had occurred inside that house.
As our team began to triage the cats at the scene, we found days old kittens with umbilical cords still attached, two cats with deformed legs that were likely from inbreeding, many female cats who are likely pregnant, and several more with life-threatening medical conditions.
We are still working to rescue the remaining cats and like before, we will not stop until every last one is rescued no matter what it takes. Sadly, help arrived too late for 4 of the cats, but it could have been even worse. It turns out that the cats had only been on the property for 5 days before the rescue began! Because of your support, we were able to answer the call, but the work is not over yet.
We desperately need your help to provide critical medical treatments and ongoing care to prepare these cats for eventual adoption.
Your support will ensure the 70 living cats and kittens (and counting) get the care they deserve and the safe homes they have always deserved. You’ll also ensure we can provide this for the additional cats and kittens we are still working to capture.
2019 was a heartbreaking and challenging year for large-scale rescues, and 2020 is already off to a challenging start. We don’t know what the rest of the year will bring, but we know that together, we can save these cats’ lives and with your help, we will continue to be there for animals who are waiting for a miracle.
Please consider enrolling in our monthly Loyal Friends Club giving program to be a part of that Miracle or make a one-time donation today.