on Tuesday, April 14, 2020
As an ARL Animal Services Officer carried Dewey into the Animal Rescue League, all we could see was pain in his eyes. The sweet 20-week-old puppy had just been hit by a car and couldn’t walk.
The ARL Officer rushed Dewey back to our Miracle Medical Ward, where our team started him on pain meds and took X-rays. His hind leg was broken, and it was severe — a complete break with pieces of bone that had splintered off and were pushing into his muscle.
He needs surgery right away.
We don’t know if we will be able to save his leg, but will do whatever it takes to help this poor pup. Please make a donation today to provide this surgery for Dewey and the weeks of post-surgical rehabilitation he will need!
Sadly we are now seeing more and more pets come to us with severe injuries and nowhere else to turn. Dewey is just one of many pets in our care who need extensive medical treatment right now. In times like these, your donation helps now more than ever.
Please make a monthly or one-time donation to our Miracle Medical Fund to help give Dewey and other animals with traumatic injuries the miracle they need.
P.S. When you donate today to help Dewey or enroll in our Loyal Friends Club, you’ll be automatically enrolled to receive exclusive updates on his progress.